Monday, September 15, 2014

Kitchen Tour

We got to take a tour of our school kitchen!!  We got to see where they make our food and go inside the food pantry, freezer and refrigerator!  The freezer was SUPER cold!!!  The lovely cafeteria ladies even gave us cool hats to wear!

Reader's Workshop

During Reader's Workshop we have a time for independent reading.  Right now we are working on building our reading stamina.  We learned that stamina is doing anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving up. 

We also have authentic reading time during Reader's Workshop.  Each day the students get to participate in a different type of authentic reading: Big Books/Poetry, Listening, Pocket Chart/Word Work, Story Retelling, iPads
Here are some pictures of them in action during authentic reading time!

Monday, September 1, 2014

First Week

We had such a fabulous first week of kindergarten!!  Here is peek at our fun week!

We LOVE recess!!!

Time for lunch!

We took a tour of our school looking for Pete the Cat.  He left us a note and color page when we got back to our classroom!  We hope he comes back to visit us soon!!!


Math Time!
We played a game called Cover Up to help us with one to one correspondence when counting.

 We also got to explore the math tools inside of our math tubs.