Monday, September 28, 2015

College Week

Heading off to college!
 College will help you follow your dreams!
 Silly faces!

Apples, Apples, Apples!!!

We used our five senses to make observations about apples in science.  At the end of the week we made applesauce!  Our classroom smelled wonderful all day while the applesauce was cooking!


We found the apple star after reading a special story!
Time to taste!  Yummy!!!

Buddy Reading

During Reader's Workshop we get to read with a buddy!  We remember "EEKK" when we buddy read.
Elbow to elbow,
knee to knee.
I'll read to you and
you'll read to me.
Elbow to elbow,
knee to knee.
Book in the middle
so we both can see!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Number Fun!

We practiced writing numbers in shaving cream!  We used number rhymes to help us remember the correct formation for each number.


We have been learning about different types of scientists and the tools they use.  On Friday we got to be scientists and explore different science tools!
Goggles and Eye Droppers

Balance Scales


Hand Lenses