Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mat Man

We met Mat Man during our handwriting time!  He taught us that letters are made of big lines, little lines, big curves, and little curves.  He brought us handwriting journals to help us practice making our letters the correct way.  Thank you Mat Man!!

Buddy Reading

We practiced what buddy reading looks like and sounds like.  We also reviewed the three ways to read a book. 
*Read the pictures
*Read the words
*Retell the story
***Sorry that the last picture is upside down.  I couldn't get it to flip the right way.:-(

First Science Experiment

We did our first science experiment called Spinning Colors.  We used milk, food coloring (red, blue, yellow), and sunlight soap.  We thought it was very cool to see all the colors spinning together after adding the soap! We even noticed some new colors were made!  We recorded our observations in our science journals.

First Week

We had a fun first week in kindergarten!  Take a peek at our week!

We love recess!!!

Time for lunch!

We went on a tour of our school looking for Pete the Cat! 

Pete had to go back to his school before we could find him.  He left us a note and coloring page in our classroom!  Come back soon Pete!!

Math Tub Exploration

More math tub exploration and learning a new math game called Cover Up.


We got our box boxes and practiced what independent reading looks like and sounds like.

In science, we learned about the different tools scientists use.  We had fun exploring with the tools!