Sunday, September 23, 2018

Applesauce & Popcorn

We all got a turn to help put the ingredients together for our applesauce.

 The applesauce made our room smell wonderful while it was cooking all day!
We read a story about a little red house with no windows, no doors, and a star inside.  After the story we cut the apple to find the star inside!
 Trying out the applesauce!  YUM!!!
We practiced using all of our five senses by making popcorn with Ms. Bartlett's class!

 It smelled and tasted yummy!!

Grandparent Buddy Reading

A big THANK YOU to all the grandparents/guests that were able to come read to our class!  The kiddos loved it!!

Cafe Kitchen Tour

Kindergarten got to go on a tour of the kitchen in the café!
 Dish washing area


 Freezer - BRRR!!!

 Oven/Meal Prep Area

 Behind the tray lunch line counter!

We love to read!

During Reader's Workshop we practiced "Buddy Reading".  We learned what "EEKK" stands for!
Elbow to elbow,
knee to knee.
I'll read to you and
you'll read to me.
Elbow to elbow,
knee to knee.
Book in the middle
so we both can see!

After we lunch we go to "Authentic Reading" stations.
 Pocket Chart/Word Work
 Reading games on iPads
 Story Retelling
 Big Books/Poetry-we did puzzles the first week before big books and poems were introduced.