Friday, August 30, 2019

Kindergarten Fun


 Time for lunch!

 Exploring math tubs with friends!

Playing our first math game called Cover Up!

 Exploring science tools!

 We met "Mat Man"!!  He taught us that letters are made of big/little lines and big/little curves!  He even brought us a special journal to help us practice our handwriting.
 We went to authentic reading stations!
Story Retelling - We retold The Three Little Pigs.
 Word Word - We practiced making friends names with magnetic letters.
Listening - We listened to Clifford's First School Day and shared our favorite part. 
iPads - We played reading games on the iPads.

We took a tour of our school kitchen!
 Showing us the dishwasher!
 Freezer! BRRRR!!!!
Our class!  Such a sweet little group!  I'm enjoying every moment with them!!