Friday, October 9, 2020

College Week & More

College Week

"Hats off to higher education"

"We want to be..."


Hair Stylist





"Team up for college"

Reading Stations
Every week we rotate through five reading stations.

1. Listening & Big Books/Poetry

2. Story Retelling

3. Word Work & Pocket Chart

4. iPads- Seesaw & Reading Apps

5. iPads- iStation

We wrapped up our study of the "Five Senses" by enjoying some yummy popcorn! We discussed what we could see, hear, smell, touch, and taste!

During Reader's Workshop, we practiced buddy reading using EEKK!
Elbow to elbow,
knee to knee.
I'll read to you and
you'll read to me.
Elbow to elbow, 
knee to knee.
Book in the middle
so we both can see!

We had a picnic lunch outside so we could enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

First Days of F2F Kindergarten

Each day we rotate between fancy seats and table seats.  We get to choose our fancy seat for the day: lap desk with yoga mat or scoop rocker with clipboard.


Time for lunch!

Exploring math tubs with a partner!

We learned how to use marshmallow voices and marshmallow toes in the hallway! 
We even got to enjoy some yummy marshmallows!!     

   "In the hallway everyone knows, marshmallow voices and marshmallow toes!" 

For our math lesson on Friday we went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather!  We played a counting game called "Hot Number".
We played a trail game with a partner during math stations.